“Vous permettez, Aznavour?”: the concert in streaming!

Happy New Year, my friends! This period of forced inactivity is leading me to work behind the scenes on myself and on many future projects, ready to start again when possible. In the meantime, however, I am delighted to announce a good news.

Thanks to the Théâtre Français de Rome and the Antico Caffè Greco, a historic venue in the heart of the capital, we will stream the concert “Vous permettez, Aznavour?”: a precious opportunity for me to bring this project back to the stage, and for you to being able to enjoy the music of the great chansonnier comfortably seated on the sofa of your cottage!

The appointment is for Friday 12 February at 9.00 PM … Don’t miss it! In the meantime, you can see the trailer for the concert here.

Online ticket office: https://www.billetweb.fr/concert-aznavour-theatre-francais-de-rome

I wait for you, thank you!

Watch the Trailer of the Concert "Vous permettez, Aznavour?" - streaming - Michelangelo Nari
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Michelangelo Nari - M

First date of the concert “Vous permettez, Aznavour?” 10/1 at the Teatro degli Eroi

Good morning, my friends! In these weeks of silence I worked on the promotion of the album and on the preparation of the live show. The period is obviously not the easiest one and the theatrical seasons have yet to be defined and fixed in many cases; despite this though, I am delighted to finally be able to announce the first concert date!

We will be on stage at the Teatro degli Eroi in Rome on 1st October 2020, the second anniversary of Aznavour’s death. A journey along sixteen songs, together with three extraordinary musicians (Mauro Scardini, Stefano Marazzi and Patrizio Sacco) and three fantastic female guests: Rosy Messina, Eleonora Segaluscio (both present in the duets of the disc) and Martina Cenere, whom I find again with great pleasure.

I’ll wait for you in Rome, Via Girolamo Savonarola 36/m at 8.45pm for the concert of “Vous permettez, Aznavour?” then.

Ticket: € 15.00, reservation required at 340.80.66.540 or at concerti@michelangelonari.com

See you soon!!!

Michelangelo Nari - M

Aznavour’s tailors – vol. 2

Good morning, my friends!

Here in Rome the production of the album continues nonstop; the clothes created for these songs are really beautiful and elegant, I hope they will please you in the same way that they thrill me!

Today I present to you the other two “costume designers”, who have been able to give a refined and particular touch to the 10 tracks on the CD with their skill: Stefano Alagi (bass) and Valerio De Negri (sax, clarinet, flute).

Stefano Alagi - Valerio De Negri - "Vous permettez, Aznavour?" - Michelangelo Nari
Stefano Alagi - Valerio De Negri - "Vous permettez, Aznavour?" - Michelangelo Nari

Stefano Alagi was born in Rome, where he started playing at the age of 11 and studied at the Morlacchi Conservatory in Perugia. He played with a quartet led by Giampaolo Ascolese and collaborated with numerous artists, including Stefano Senesi (pianist with Renato Zero and Francesco De Gregori). He had the pleasure of sharing the stage with Phil Palmer and the Irakere (Cuba). He played on the CD “Curvatura 9” by Carlo Pasceri and collaborated as a sound engineer for Stef Burns (guitarist with Vasco Rossi). He also composed, arranged and recorded the CD “Stakes” in his studio. He is currently part of the “Airport passengers” group with which he is recording their second album. He collaborates as bass player and sound engineer on the CD “Destinations” of Carlo Molinari. In September 2017 he founded the musical association AlagiSound (recording studio and rehearsal room), where he works as a sound engineer and electric bass teacher.

Valerio De Negri was born in Civitavecchia and since he was a child he has been studying the Clarinet graduating in 1997 at the Conservatory of Latina. In 2000 he joined the Navy Musical Band, with which he performed in numerous concerts in Italy and abroad. His artistic and professional growth passes through the studies of Composition at the Conservatory of S. Cecilia in Rome (Lower Complement), a long choral experience, both as a chorister and director, and an intense theatrical activity (stage and musical) both as an actor / performer and as a director; recently he approached the study of the saxophone and transverse flute, instruments with which he delves into repertories such as swing with “TheBigBandTheory”, popular repertoires from Campania with “Taranterrae” and traditional Neapolitan pieces with “Song ‘e Napule” (led by actor, voice actor and director Vincenzo Avolio). At the same time, he carries out a fruitful professional collaboration with the “City of Rome” Symphony Orchestra and with the “Virtuosi di Roma” Orchestra.