First date of the concert “Vous permettez, Aznavour?” 10/1 at the Teatro degli Eroi

Good morning, my friends! In these weeks of silence I worked on the promotion of the album and on the preparation of the live show. The period is obviously not the easiest one and the theatrical seasons have yet to be defined and fixed in many cases; despite this though, I am delighted to finally be able to announce the first concert date!

We will be on stage at the Teatro degli Eroi in Rome on 1st October 2020, the second anniversary of Aznavour’s death. A journey along sixteen songs, together with three extraordinary musicians (Mauro Scardini, Stefano Marazzi and Patrizio Sacco) and three fantastic female guests: Rosy Messina, Eleonora Segaluscio (both present in the duets of the disc) and Martina Cenere, whom I find again with great pleasure.

I’ll wait for you in Rome, Via Girolamo Savonarola 36/m at 8.45pm for the concert of “Vous permettez, Aznavour?” then.

Ticket: € 15.00, reservation required at 340.80.66.540 or at

See you soon!!!

Michelangelo Nari - M

Aznavour’s tailors – vol. 1

A musical project like “Vous permettez, Aznavour?” would not have been possible without the collaboration of many other splendid professionals who have accepted to contribute with their talent and passion.

In this post and in the next one I will introduce you to the fantastic musicians who “dressed” the songs on the CD and who will also accompany me in the live concert (which, may I remind you, is modular according to the context and specific needs of the venue). Today it is Mauro Scardini’s (piano) and Stefano Marazzi’s (drums) turn.

Mauro Scardini - Stefano Marazzi - Vous permettez, Aznavour? - Michelangelo Nari
Mauro Scardini - Stefano Marazzi - Vous permettez, Aznavour? - Michelangelo Nari

Mauro Scardini was born in Tivoli and started playing the piano from an early age, with his father, also a pianist, as his first teacher. He founded the Electric City with Massimiliano Cignitti, publishing his first self-titled CD in 1999, containing his own songs, and in 2002 he published a second album with the participation of Gegè Telesforo, Daniele Scannapieco and Pietro Ciancaglini. In 2019 he took part in the “One” album by Mike della Bella Project, that boasts productions in Japan and Sweden. He currently collaborates with Pierdavide Carone, Pino Insegno, Roberto Ciufoli, Andrea Perroni, Stefano Masciarelli, Federico Perrotta, Valentina Olla and carries out an intense live activity in national clubs and theaters.

Stefano Marazzi, professional drummer, has been working for years in the world of entertainment, starring in tours, television broadcasts, musicals and shows of various kinds with some of the most important artists of the Italian and international music scene. Among his collaborations: Anastacia, Pino Daniele, Malika Ayane, Fiordaliso, Lodovica Comello, Serena Autieri and many others.